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[platform-swt-dev] Multi-threading and OleInitialize

I'm building an application that runs several UIs under different threads.
Some of these threads connect to automation servers (like Outlook) and
custom ActiveX controls using SWT's COM API. 

When creating a DropTarget in one of my threads I get:

"Cannot initialize Drop result = -2147221008"

-2147221008 turns out to be "CoInitialize not called" error. My workaround
is to call "org.eclipse.swt.internal.win32.OS.OleInitialize(0);" at the
beginning of the thread and "OS.OleUninitialize();" at the end.

I noticed that org.eclipse.swt.internal.ole.win32.COM has a static
"OS.OleInitialize(0)" call, so it looks like the first thread gets the
initialize and no other.

Is my solution safe? Is there a better way? Through trial and error I'm
avoiding SWTErrors by synching to display threads and praying I don't hit a
thread lock.

Comments, anybody?

My project may be rather ambitious, but so far SWT is working out very well!


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