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RE: RE: [platform-swt-dev] org.eclipse.swt.SWT

You are correct, of course that Bridge does not have to be as evil as I
stated it.

Anyways, at this point it would be helpful to actually cite concrete
examples of how SWT has to change to make it more "open" as you say.  Keep
in mind that the "need to protect" rule cannot apply to large segments of
SWT code simply because of the underlying structure of the heavyweight
widgets.  One might say that Table cells should allow overriding of content
/ redraw / layout / interactive behaviour.  This neglects the fact that
these behaviours are for the most part set in stone by the OS.
Nevertheless, we see that by effective use of composition JFace is able to
privde an enhanced widget programming model.  Interestingly, JFace itself is
very "open" even though SWT is not.  Apparently versatility has little to do
with "openness".

Things that I would like to see in SWT someday:

- Better support for lightweight images and offscreen compositing
  possibly by integration with Java2D or some other established
  project in this area.
- Better Table widget as has been discussed here at length.  I
  personally believe that this sort of thing belongs in JFace
  rather than SWT due to its inherent complexity and the fact
  that it is unlikely any platforms would provide native support
  for all of the features people want to add.
- Even more platform integration.  For instance, the ability to
  add icons to Windows' notification bar.  Browser integration
  on non-Windows platforms.  Sensitivity to screen size and
  depth changes (last time I checked, some icons turned to black).
- Maybe a Spin Widget.  Not sure as in 99% of the places I see
  them, they are a severe annoyance.

I dunno.  Truth be told, SWT's coverage in terms of functionality is already
very very good.


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