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Re: [platform-swt-dev] Re: [eclipse-dev] Eclipse 2.0 on Mac OS X 10.2


I just had a go with your latest unofficial build on Jaguar - very cool. I have been using Eclipse for everyday development without incident.

Good to hear!

The only problem I had was that jar files checked out from CVS were corrupt.

I have never seen that, however I must admit that checking out jar files from CVS is not a typical use case in my daily work.

I have no idea where this problem could be coming from and I suspect it isn't anything to do with your port (a wild guess :-). There were no logs generated.

Yes, it shouldn't be related to my port, however I'm relying on Apple's Java implementation and may be there is a bug...

So here are some questions for you:
In what sense 'corrupt'?
Was it reproducable?
All jar files or just one specific?
Was it a jar file from our repository at

I don't know whether I should submit a bug since it is an unofficial port, should I wait until it becomes official and try again?

Is it a regression in the unofficial build?
Please file a bug!


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