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Re: [platform-swt-dev] SWT & Native widgets

I always find this kind of discussion interesting... You do understand that there are two conflicting constraint sets going on here, right? If I was to make that dialog change to match the GNOME guidelines, it would no longer match the Eclipse ones. Ok, that's probably not true (I haven't checked), but you see what I mean.

The truth of the matter is, that there are times when you need to look like the platform, and times when you need to look like yourself. Just think of all the Eclipse documentation, training material, etc. which would need to be changed each time a new platform comes out if we couldn't even assume that we would have the same message text in the dialogs. Ugh.

Eclipse is big. So is GNOME. We need to *compromise* on issues like this, not fight about them.


--------------original posting follows------------------------------

On Thursday, August 8, 2002, at 07:45 PM, snickell@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

By way of graphic example, compare just one tiny dialogue as generated
by Eclipse of today with a properly styled and worded version for GTK/GNOME:

I should also mention that using a "native-frontend driven" approach
does not preclude including standard implementations of these dialogues
that can be used in most cases by most platforms (code re-use), nor does
it preclude the isolation of "native calls" into a small package such as
org.eclipse.swt.widgets (encapsulation, e.g. you can have a platform
specific version of a dialogue that contains absolutely no direct native

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