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Re: [platform-swt-dev] Mac OS X Port


1) When I run the fileviewer example the fileviewer-window doesn´t
receive focus. Can you tell me why?

Yes, its in the Readme of the 7/3/2002 (or later) drop:

How to run a SWT application

- If you launch a SWT based application on MacOS X it does not behave
like a 'normal'
   Mac application: it has no icon in the dock, no menu bar and you
cannot activate its windows.
   The script 'java' in 'SWT_JDK/bin' works arounds that problem.

- How to use the script:
   - adapt the value of the shell variable SWT_DLL.
   - within Eclipse create a new JRE 'SWT_JDK' in
'Preferences/Java/Installed JREs' and
     make it point to the SWT_JDK folder.
   - When creating a new Launch or Debug Configuration on the JRE tab
select your
     new 'SWT_JDK' instead of the standard one

For more information see the comments in the script SWT_JDK/bin/java.

2) In order to manage all the different enums and its constants
available, shouldn´t we adapt a kind of emulating enums and
encapsulate groups of related Items together?
A small example:

public final class kDataBrowser {
	public static final int NoItem = 0;
	public static final int TextType = OSType("text");

	//... enums don´t have methods!!! ...
This approach could help cleaning up the cluttered OS class.

What do you think?

Yes, the DataBrowser's API is large enough that this makes sense.


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