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[platform-swt-dev] Adding Motif for Mac OS X to CVS

While this may not be of great interest to Mac OS X users now that the Carbon port is getting close, using Motif (and eventually gtk2) will make sense for Darwin users (the Open Source base for Mac OS X sans the Aqua UI - - also runs on X86).

Anyhow, I've put up a web page with notes on how to build Eclipse for Mac OS X using X11/Motif. Pre-built binaries for Eclipse 2.0 and the makefile script sources are there for download.

Using XFree86 4.2.0 and OpenMotif 2.2 with Eclipse 2.0 F2, there are nasty repaint problems with the tree control and the tabs. Although I assume those are problems with OpenMotif, any insight is appreciated. I also noticed the "creeping window" bug, which I understand is an Eclipse issue which is getting fixed.

What needs to be done so that the scripts for the Motif (and later gtk2) guis are included in CVS for MacOSX/Darwin?


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