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Re: Re: [platform-swt-dev] Some questions for the SWT developers

Hello Patrick!

>From: "Patrick Mueller" <pmuellr@xxxxxxx>
>Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 07:48:01 -0400
>Delivered-to: platform-swt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
>addNotify / removeNotify are messages sent to AWT Components (and thus
>Components) to indicate when the o/s resource for the component is actually
>created/destroyed.  SWT doesn't need this, because it's Widgets are created
>in the constructor, and destroyed in dispose().  You know when you're
>calling the constructor, and there is a proper event for disposal so that
>you don't have to override a widget to get this info.
>In theory, AWT provides a more flexible architecture, where you can change
>the parent of a widget whenever you want.  In practice, this is almost
>used, it greatly complicates the actual implementation of the code (the AWT

Well, in practice I'm using "what is almost never used", because my
inherited Swing widgets are still beans with all its advantages. I don't think it is
a practical way to enhance a widget by bloating it's constructor. You may be
right that implementing a toolkit by using constructor parameters is easier
but I find it very restricting and inflexible to use this toolkit or inherit
from it.

Thank you for your answer,
Dr. Seltsam

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