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Re: [platform-swt-dev] the build


I agree our documentation is very poor.  I don't think it's a technical problem.  In your particular case, it was our fault that the release notes containing step-by-step instructions for building/installing SWT/GTK, were not in an obvious place (I just posted them to this list).  We will correct this.

As to the build process itself:  no it doesn't have to be *that* painful.  The significant pieces are that you want autobuild off (otherwise, it will try to compile stuff immediately after you "add to workspace", when the target platform is not known yet), and just copy or rename .classpath_gtk to .classpath.  Either do this in the IDE, or from a shell but don't forget to "Refresh from local".  It's in the release notes.

The compile error you got, about the IVE_HOME not pointing to the right place... I'm not sure how this bug came back, I thought I fixed it two months+ ago.  We no longer need any kind of JDK to build, so I'm going to look right now why is it complaining.

And your last question, building the rest of Eclipse.  Why would you ever want to do it???  If you want to change some plugin (like change something in the debugger or the VCM), you could just rebuild that particular plugin, but the whole Eclipse???  Or you mean try to use Eclipse on GTK?  You only need to build SWT to do it.  For *debugging*, (running Eclipse inside your Eclipse environment), just go to the Preferences -> Plugin Development page, and uncheck SWT to not be an external plugin.  That way, when you "Run->Run-time Workbench", it will use the "working copy".  For *production*, just build a jar from the "bin" directory, stick it under ws/, together with the .so's, and specify GTK as the target window system:  "./eclipse -ws gtk".


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