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Re: [platform-swt-dev] GTK in CVS

Anthony Green <green@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Havoc Pennington wrote:
> > BTW, I've noticed some code that appears to stuff pointers into the
> > Java "int" type - isn't this going to blow up on 64-bit platforms?
> > Or am I misunderstanding the code?
> I didn't see a reply to this question.  I'm interested in building
> this on Alpha and IA-64 Linux, so it seems important.

There were a couple replies, the thread got renamed to "GTK - logging
etc." I think.

I'm just seeing the following which is going to blow up in an
even-harder-to-fix way though:

    public class GtkWindow extends GtkBin {
            public int title;
            public int wmclass_name;
            public int wmclass_class;
            public int type;
            public int focus_widget;
            public int default_widget;
            public int transient_parent;
            public short resize_count;
            public int allow_shrink;
            public int allow_grow;
            public int auto_shrink;
            public int handling_resize;
            public int position;
            public int use_uposition;
            public int modal;
            public static final int sizeof = 96;

GTK has a ton of infrastructure to support custom C glue code, but is
very unfriendly to the "no glue code" approach to using it from other
languages. ;-) java-gnome is probably the right solution; I'm not sure
if it does the "thick" bindings using proxy objects so you can derive
new widgets in java - if so that will add overhead, but if not there
should be no efficiency issue.

BTW in pasting that over I noticed that the Motif port doesn't
properly handle the PRIMARY selection:


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