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[platform-releng-dev] Plans to build two streams ... parent pom to change on Thursday


From my local tests, N-builds are now ok, so would like to start building "Neon 4.6". After tonight's N-build, I plan to change the parent pom to "4.6" (instead of 4.5).

AND ... this will break the build until all other poms that refer to it, make the change also, to "4.6".

If anyone feels strongly there is a better time to coordinate this change, please comment in Bug 469765 - Prep for 4.6 (Neon) and 4.5 (Mars) maintenance builds

I do not plan to prepare paths for all other repositories, as some people have done in the past. (I think a global search and replace will not be too much harder.) If anyone wants to volunteer to create patches for everyone, that's fine. (But, I think of limited value ... be sure to say if I am wrong.)

Question/proposal: In the past, we've not incremented the parent pom for maintenance. That is, have not changed it to "4.5.1" instead of "4.5". There is no strong reason to, that I know of, except that "maven development" normally would. I am thinking we are getting experienced enough with maven development, that we could and probably should. I know some people depend on parent pom to "build on top" of what we build, and seems it would be easier/better, if/when people wanted to
continue building against 4.5 vs. deliberately building against 4.5.1. Again, if any strong opinions, please comment in bug 469765. Otherwise, we'll see how 'master' goes, and then start maintenance work first thing next week.


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