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Re: [platform-releng-dev] Fw: Plans for RC1 warmup for Friday, 1/17: Plan A, Plan B, Plan C ...

I just confirmed with David that we're going with Plan B!

I have submitted a patch (via and bug ) which I think will
allow the build to complete successfully.
However, I cannot commit it and would need help from an Equinox/Launcher
committer to push the change for me. We can schedule a rebuild once this
patch is committed.

Thanks in advance,

             David M Williams                                              
   >                                                 To 
             Sent by:                  platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx,    
             platform-releng-d                                          cc 
                                       [platform-releng-dev] Fw: Plans for 
                                       RC1 warmup for Friday,	1/17:   
             17-01-14 17:08            Plan A, Plan B, Plan C ...          
             Please respond to                                             
             "Eclipse platform                                             

I see I sent this to "bounces" instead of correct address.

Well, we are past Plan A now ... on to Plan B?

I have hidden the "bad builds" and disconnected them from the 4.3-M-Builds

----- Forwarded by David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM on 01/17/2014 06:35 AM

From:        David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM
To:        platform-releng-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx,
Date:        01/17/2014 03:56 AM
Subject:        Plans for RC1 warmup for Friday, 1/17:  Plan A, Plan B,
Plan C ...

One more note before I sleep :)

I've chatted with Arun and Dani in the last few hours and here's the
approach we'll take for our final day for "Kepler RC1".

Plan A. The current build in progress miraculously works and we'll go with
that. (It's actually pretty far along, so we should know soon)

Plan B. Arun thinks it will fail again, and he thinks he knows what the
problem is and will investigate, and prepare a patch, but even then will
have to wait for "Equinox/Launcher" committer to wake up :) to get it
committed ... assuming they agree, etc. So if Plan A fails, we'll try plan
B, but even then it may not be ready until "late Friday afternoon" ...
later than we'd like, but, still on time.

Plan C. If the first two plans fail for what ever reason ... either for
technical issues or just that the right people are not available at the
right time, then we will "revert" to the Wednesday morning 8 AM build (
M20140115-0800), and then get the launcher/swt changes in for next weeks
M-build (and clearly by RC2, which is in two weeks).

The implication of "Plan C" is that we acknowledge that two builds since
M20140115-0800 (the "good one"), are not adequate to use for RC1:
M20140115-1810, and M20140116-0900 . Therefore, (with miles to go before I
sleep :) I plan this evening to "hide" builds M20140115-1810 and
M20140116-0900 to minimize a little confusion on Friday. Plus, I will
"disconnect" them from the composite 4.3-M-builds (after current build
completes). If things do go well, then nothing lost ... if things do not go
well, then we will perhaps avoid a little community confusion on Friday.
[My advice to anyone already using M20140115-1810 or M20140116-0900 is to
do nothing until we know if one of the other plans work, since if they do,
then it will be business as usual for you.  But, if we do have to revert
all they way back to Wednesday's 8 AM build, and you are already using one
of the more recent two, then you may have to back-peddle some to get
correct versions ... and code! But, wait to see how it goes before taking
drastic measures. I am simply "hidding" the builds to help avoid others
from using them on Friday and then learning a few hours later they are not
correct and they have to revert.

Just wanted to keep the team informed in case you see builds "disappear"
over night.
Depending on how it turns out, I'll make announcement larger audience on
cross-project list on Friday.
platform-releng-dev mailing list

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