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[platform-releng-dev] faster builds on Hudson

As you are aware, eclipse and equinox team committers can initiate a test build on the foundation's Hudson installation.

This was very useful to the p2 team when they were testing integrating their API changes in M5.  Once there is test hardware at the foundation, I'd like to move the actual builds there because there are significant advantages to being able to access the filesystem locally.

Today, depending on the load average on, this test build can take between two and a half and four hours to complete.  This is still a long time to build your bundles.  In Hudson, you can chain smaller builds together.  I've started a discussion on this bug on how to break up the build into smaller pieces.  My thoughts are that the first step would be to have a simple build that builds the bundles and produces the repository with product information for the SDKs etc.  This would allow you to install the SDK  from the repo.  Please provide your input on this bug if you are interested.

faster test builds in hudson


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