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Re: [platform-releng-dev] Junit bundles problems on Gentoo Linux

Hi Jean-Noël

Please use the jdt-ui-dev list or open a bug against JDT/UI to continue discussions on this topic.

Our plan is to support JUnit 4.4 in Eclipse 3.4, see .

Getting JUnit 4.4 support in Eclipse 3.3 with a separate hamcrest.jar is not trivial. You would have to
update our custom classpath setup code (in org.eclipse.jdt.junit/org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.buildpath),
and probably also the JUnitLaunchConfigurationDelegate. We only support the JUnit bundles that are shipped with Eclipse.


Markus Keller,
Eclipse JDT/UI Committer

"Jean-Noël Rivasseau" <elvanor@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: platform-releng-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

2008-04-24 15:16

Please respond to
"Eclipse platform release engineering list."        <platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

platform-releng-dev <platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
[platform-releng-dev] Junit bundles problems on Gentoo Linux


I am the current maintainer of Eclipse (Europa) on Gentoo Linux. I do need to establish a working relationship with upstream, as some of the bugs I am faced are quite complex and I feel I won't be able to solve them without some help or documentation about Eclipse inner workings.

So I am writing to this list in the hope of establishing contact. If this is not the appropriate place, please redirect me to the correct one. I already posted to the linux-distro Eclipse ML but did not get much help yet (as people there are not upstream).

Here is a copy of a post I made to the forums, but did not receive any answer:

I am faced with a Junit bug. The Junit 4 version bundled with Eclipse is normally 4.3, but on Gentoo we use 4.4. 4.4 has a dependency on some of hamcrest classes.

Thus currently when trying to load a Junit 4 test on Gentoo Eclipse, a CNF exception occurs regarding the hamcrest classes.

So I tried to fiddle with the manifest in the Junit 4 bundle to include a dependency to our local system hamcrest jar. However so far I have not been successful.

My questions are:

1) Am I on the right path at all? Eg, if the user adds a Junit library via the normal Eclipse mechanism (Configure Build Path -> Add Library -> JUnit), will the OSGi framework resolves the dependencies or not? If the only effect of adding junit this way is to add an entry to the project classpath, I guess not.

2) Normally the junit bundles are exploded, eg in a folder. I tried to jar the folder, removed the Bundle-ClassPath OSGi header attribute. But then something strange happens: everytime I load Eclipse, it creates in


the contents of this jar. When I add the Junit library via the mechanism I described, it shows a junit.jar file which is not present (as I removed it, but also removed it from the Bundle-ClassPath). Then nothing works at all, eg I cannot even start a Junit test.

So what's happening exactly, what is Eclipse doing?

Thanks for helping,

platform-releng-dev mailing list

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