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RE: [platform-releng-dev] [eclipse-build]Build N20070831-0010(Timestamp: 200708310010):Automated JUnit testing complete.Test failures/errors occurred.

The apt.pluggable test is failing about every other test run.  It seems
to be caused by a timing problem with the version of the Sun 1.6 VM that
is on the Linux test box.  Investigation is underway; the problem is
being tracked by .

There is no evidence that this represents a problem in the product.
Apologies for the repeated test failures: I keep thinking I've
successfully fixed the test, it passes one nightly build, and then it
fails again the next.


-----Original Message-----
From: platform-releng-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:platform-releng-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2007 7:14 AM
To: platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [platform-releng-dev] [eclipse-build]Build
N20070831-0010(Timestamp: 200708310010):Automated JUnit testing
complete.Test failures/errors occurred.

Build N20070831-0010 (Timestamp: 200708310010):  Automated JUnit testing
is complete.  Test failures/errors occurred in the following:  

org.eclipse.jdt.apt.pluggable.tests_linux.gtk.x86_5.0 [...]

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