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[platform-releng-dev] Unnecessary nls tag detection and removal


I posted a binary patch of the JDT/Core plugin that detects these tags. I 
also posted a tool that removes all of them automatically.

1) You can find the binary patch there:

        Unzip the file into the plugins directory of your Eclipse install 
and move the two zip files (jdt/core source)  to the 
plugins\org.eclipse.jdt.source_3.1.0\src\org.eclipse.jdt.core_3.1.0 folder 
of your Eclipse install.

2) The tool can be found here:
        Unzip the file in your Eclipse install.

3) Restart Eclipse.

4) You should find a new popup menu entry (available on Java projects, 
package fragment roots, package fragments, compilation unit) called 
JDT/Core tools. you have two entries:
- Check positions of DOM/AST nodes
- Remove Unnecessary NLS Tags

Select the second one and it will update all compilation units within the 
selected elements.

Let me know if you find anything wrong. I remind you that this detection 
will be enable again after 3.2M1.


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