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Re: [platform-help-dev] help 2.0.x vs. help 2.1?

Erik, I've added a couple of answers/comments enclosed by <db>.


|         |           Erik                    |
|         |           Hennum/Oakland/IBM@IBMUS|
|         |           Sent by:                |
|         |           platform-help-dev-admin@|
|         |              |
|         |                                   |
|         |                                   |
|         |           03/26/2003 02:39 PM     |
|         |           Please respond to       |
|         |           platform-help-dev       |
|         |                                   |
  |                                                                                                             |
  |       To:       platform-help-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx                                                               |
  |       cc:                                                                                                   |
  |       Subject:  [platform-help-dev] help 2.0.x vs. help 2.1?                                                |
  |                                                                                                             |
  |                                                                                                             |

Esteemed Help Developers:

We're using InfoCenter Help in a web application and trying to assess
issues of migrating from 2.0.x to 2.1:

1)  Has anyone done any performance comparisons between the 2.0 and 2.1
InfoCenter architectures (where a public web server such as WebSphere
Application Server Express proxies requests to the internal Eclipse Tomcat
web server)?

I would like to see this kind of stats as well.
There has been some work done at to compare app
servers, so you may get some idea of what Tomcat is capable of.
All my comments below are for the infocenter running by itself, no proxy

    Also, any comparisons on resource consumption (both while serving help
pages and while waiting for help requests)?

    If numbers aren't available, informed insights into these issues would
be very useful.

    For instance:

    *  memory footprint?
         <db>Less memory used in 2.1, both in terms of transitive and
(eclipse) session usage.</db>
    *  CPU utilization?
         <db>2.1 help is faster: faster building of toc's, returning a
topic doc, generating html for navigation </db>
    *  page service time?
         <db>2.1 faster, but did not test what happens when a proxy server
is used</db>
    *  other?

    As a load estimate, we could assume that one of the application users
will make 2 help requests per minute on average (though their expertise
will, of course, change the estimate).

2)  For tracing and message logging, the web application and InfoCenter
share the logfile of the public web server in the 2.0 architecture.

    In the 2.1 architecture, is it possible to turn on logging for the
internal Tomcat web server?  Is it correct to say that the proxied help
requests will create two log entries, one in the public web server's log
and one in the internal Tomcat log?  Are there any other trace or logging
facilities in InfoCenter Help?

To turn Tomcat logging on you will need to change the config paramters in
org.eclipse.tomcat/conf/*.xml files.
Since the infocenter uses the eclipse platform, you can launch it so that
you can get eclipse and help trace information (see the online docs for how
to use .options and -debug). This log will go to the .metadata/.log file in
the eclipse working space directory.

3)  Regarding NL, is it correct to assume that 2.1 InfoCenter Help is
NL-ready? That is, will 2.1 InfoCenter Help require any code enhancements
to support NL?

Yes, 2.1 is NL-ready. I assume IBM is providing the translation files at
some point.

    Will 2.1.1 add anything beyond bug fixes and properties files with
translated strings?  Have you planned any other enhancements or design

I am not aware of any planning for a 2.1.1 release, but if there is one, we
plan some bug fixes, as well as some enhancement, but nothing has been
decided as of now. I know one accessibility enhancement that we'd like to
do (Konrad has a patch for this): as the font size increases, the toolbars
and search banner frames will automatically be increased to accomodate
larger text.
If you have any suggestions, please open the necessary bugs/features.

    Is it correct to assume that all localizable properties are identified
already in the English property files?
<db> Yes </db>

4)  What problems can we expect in migrating from 2.0.x to 2.1 (either now
or within a year)?

<db>I don't expect any problems. Are you foreseeing anything?<db>

    No changes to the help content are required, right?
<db>No, no changes </db>

    Web application servlets that make help requests might need to change
the URLs for making help requests and how they access the content frame as
well as installation, startup, and shutdown but, otherwise, should not
require changes, right?

URL's have not been documented as API's, so we have the liberty to change
them. However, we have provided some servlets in 2.1 to support some
experimental URL's to access topics, contexts, search results.

Thanks in advance,

Erik Hennum
ehennum AT us DOT ibm DOT com

----- Forwarded by Erik Hennum/Oakland/IBM on 03/26/2003 10:07 AM -----

                      "Konrad Kolosowski"

                      <konradk@xxxxxxxxxx>            To:
                      Sent by:                        cc:

                      platform-help-dev-admin@        Subject:  Re:
[platform-help-dev] use of 2.0 language packs for 2.1

                      03/19/2003 12:45 PM

                      Please respond to


Most keys are the same, but there are some new ones introduced in 2.1.
View names, tab tooltips will appear to the user as key names if you use
2.0.x translations.

Konrad Kolosowski
Eclipse Help System


                      Hennum/Oakland/IBM@IBMUS        To:

                      Sent by:                        cc:

                      platform-help-dev-admin@        Subject:
[platform-help-dev] use of 2.0 language packs for 2.1 InfoCenter?


                      03/19/2003 11:49 AM

                      Please respond to


Hi, Eclipse Help Minders:

On the newsgroup, a posting suggests a way to use 2.0 language packs for
the 2.1 release:


Does a 2.0 language pack provide every localized string used in the 2.1
InfoCenter?  And, are the keys the same?  In other words, are there any
localization needs for 2.1 InfoCenter that aren't met by 2.0 language

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