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Re: [platform-help-dev] NLS and Eclipse help system

Yes, fragments are fine.
Help uses the platform API's to find NL directories, so you can deploy
translated docs in the same places you would deploy translated


                    Manahan/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA       To:     platform-help-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx                                                  
                    Sent by:                        cc:     platform-help-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx, platform-help-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx             
                    platform-help-dev-admin@e       Subject:     Re: [platform-help-dev] NLS and Eclipse help system                       
                    04/10/2002 07:08 PM                                                                                                    
                    Please respond to                                                                                                      

Just a quick question. Since docs can get to be kind of big are fragments
also an option for adding NL documentation or must "plugins" be used?
Otherwise you'd have to

1) ship all the translated docs if you believe  the plugins are units
atomic units (which according to the update manager I believe they are) .
2) or only install pieces of plugins which doesn't make sense I think.

For WSAD I believe the docs are quite large (around 10-20 meg per lang if i
remember correctly) That's kind of a large footprint if we ship 9
languages. A 100+ megabytes plugin seems unwieldy :-).


Peter Manahan
WebSphere Tools
Build/Install and
Product Architecture


                    Kolosowski/Toronto/IBM@IB       To:
                    MCA                             cc:
                    Sent by:
                    platform-help-dev-admin@e       Subject:     Re:
[platform-help-dev] NLS and Eclipse help system

                    10/04/2002 06:14 PM

                    Please respond to



Yes.  The localization scheme for zipped documentation is the same as for
unzipped.  The zip would be in plugins/yourplugin/nl/zh/CN/

In the infocenter scenario (only, not when just launchin help from
Eclipse), help uses request.getLocale() as a mechanism on deciding which
language is to be served to the user.
If you want to override the locale that the user's browser sends, you are
free to do it.  Servers has different mechanisms that allow to do this.
For example in Tomcat 4, you can define a filter that will massage the
query as you like, before it gets to the web application.  You could define
a URL paths for each language.  They would all point to the same infocenter
application, but would have a filter set a Locale on a query differently.

Konrad Kolosowski
Eclipse Help System

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