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[platform-dev] Eclipse Platform repositories and CI contract


There is a discussion about CI contract for Eclipse Platform repositories started at

The situation is the following:
1) there is a new bundle to be contributed to eclipse.platform.text repository
2) The CI Bot fails with
02:42:29 [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho.extras:tycho-eclipserun-plugin:1.4.0:eclipse-run (api-analysis) on project org.eclipse.text.quicksearch: Execution api-analysis of goal org.eclipse.tycho.extras:tycho-eclipserun-plugin:1.4.0:eclipse-run failed: Cannot resolve dependencies of null: See log for details -> [Help 1]
3) The solution suggested is
"... we need both change (merge here + addition in feature) to happen in the same time, and then a build with both of them. There will be some red Gerrit builds unavoidably. The thing is that we don't really need a feature, what would it be good for in term of deployment? The current state is relatively good as it maps usage of the features in the IDE or RCP products. Changing the deployment structure to better map the build issues just puts the bill of build-time complexity on the runtime, and that's not really something we should do."

I understand that for today it may be the only option to proceed.
But I have generic concern regarding this approach as it prevents to test changes with CI Bot *before* merging to master.
IMO any repository that has its own build configuration should support an ability to test the changes inside it with CI Bot, i.e. *before* merging to master.
Otherwise it should not have its own build configuration and the "parent" repository should take care about gerrit change for the child.

Let's continue discussion here.


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