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[platform-dev] Committer Election for Simeon Andreev on Eclipse Platform has started

A committer election for Simeon Andreev on project Eclipse Platform
(eclipse.platform) was started by Andrey Loskutov with this criteria:

I would like to nominate Simeon Andreev as Platform committer.

Simeon works together with me to stabilize and improve Platform in many
different areas - SWT, UI, Debug.
He is a very smart guy and created already a lot of good bug reports &
contributed tests and fixes for them.

Here is the list of the merged patches for platform:

And here the list of fixed bugs:

535462	Custom debug context provider causes NPE when closing second window
535454	DebugContextEvent allows null context in constructor but some callers
can't handle null
522241	Source in org.eclipse.ui.console has a mix of tabs and spaces for
268608	[console] find/replace action in MessageConsole disabled on first
opening of console view
520903	No stack trace logged for ResourceException during a job
517411	Racing condition between Autobuild and (triggered) Project build
534692	[regression] Scrollbar area in compare editor too small
534417	[HiDPI][GTK3] Path drawing is broken
534204	[GTK3] Scale with GridLayout height hint has no line
533815	[GTK 3.22] Starting Eclipse prints GTK warnings on standard error
533799	[GTK3] Resizing trees/tables can cause pixman errors on standard error
533533	[GTK3] Provide a way to disable fix for Control.print()
533241	[GTK 3.14] ControlDecoration doesn't work
531667	[GTK3] Cannot draw Canvas with Control.print(GC)
528415	[GTK3] CTabFolder tabs vanish after mouse-over
528251	View tab not highlighted due to another view with a CTabFolder
531854	View toolbar not drawn correctly when new commands are added/removed
until view is resized
528720	View toolbar is painted on top of the view after switching from editor

Eclipse Platform project committers can click the election link below to



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