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Re: [platform-dev] [jdt-dev] Fwd: Why some inner jars?

On 08/23/2013 07:22 PM, Mickael Istria wrote:
I'm having a look at how to get test run automatically as part of Tycho build for Platform.
I noticed some Tycho pitfalls ( ), caused by unusual patterns on some bundles: some actually compile code, and package it in a jar file that is then added into the bundle as a Bundle-ClassPath element. See for example (that you can reproduce with "mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=false"). What is the technical reason for this? Is this something we could get rid of?
After some investigation, it appears that the issue on Tycho-side requires refactoring on the Maven-Surefire side, so it most likely won't be resolved soon.
So I don't see any other way to have surefire running on those eclipse-test-plugins than stopping to use nested jars.

Benefits of not using inner jars for these tests:
* Makes tycho-surefire-plugin usable
* Simpler/recommanded OSGi pattern
* ?

Can anyone elaborate on the drawbacks of not using nested jars for those tests (and in general in JDT) ? If there is no identified drawback, I'd like probably create a patch to fix that.

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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