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Re: [platform-dev] Generic porting instructions ?

On Mon, Feb 28, 2005, Kim Moir wrote:

> Hi Matthias
> The document I was referring to earlier is waiting for approval by the 
> PMC, I'll follow up with them again. This document actually describes the 
> methodology that allows a port of eclipse to be provided on 
> which is a bit different from how to port eclipse to another platform 
> using the source build scripts.  The source build instructions should be 
> updated to provide generic instructions on how to port eclipse to another 
> platform.  I've opened a bug to track this issue.
> Using the scripts included in the src included drop to compile the eclipse 
> is a great approach.  The following files will need to updated in the root 
> of the srcbuildincluded directory
> -update the build* files to  reflect the new architecture. 
> -copy an existing script to one 
> that reflects that platform you are building 
> -in the build.xml, 
>         -update the compilelibs property in the init target to reflect the 
> new architecure
>                 -update the compilelibs target to reflect the new 
> architecture
> -run the build using "build -compilelibs" to force the recompilation of 
> the native libaries
> -patches may be required  to the swt native library and launcher build 
> scripts for the compilation of the natives libraries
> -please open a bug with platform-releng with patches required to compile 
> the native libraries for this platform so that we may include them in 
> future source builds zips.  This allows others to use your contribution 
> and compile this new port of eclipse.
> Kim

Thanks for your effords, Kim. I'm really desperate.
Also, when there is some document, even in a prelimary state, i'd be
happy to review it. 


Matthias Kurz; Fuldastr. 3; D-28199 Bremen; VOICE +49 421 53 600 47
  >> Im prämotorischen Cortex kann jeder ein Held sein. (bdw) <<

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