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Re: [platform-debug-dev] Editor adaptors for breakpoint toggling

Hi Rick,
If you allow your users to set breakpoints within your disassembly editor then you will still need to have your own breakpoint objects, and the corresponding IToggleBreakpointTarget object for your own disassembly editor. In this case your debugger implementation will need to handle both the JDT breakpoints and your own breakpoints. I'm not sure if this is the user experience you are after, but without extending and/or modifying JDT you have limited options.
Good luck

Rick Marion wrote:
Thanks Pawel,

I can try your suggestion.    My concern was that since I wasn't
completely replacing the IToggleBreakpointsTarget adapter that there
would be a hole in the functionality. rick
-----Original Message-----
From: platform-debug-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:platform-debug-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Pawel Piech
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 5:35 PM
To: Eclipse Platform Debug component developers list.;
Subject: Re: [platform-debug-dev] Editor adaptors for breakpoint

Hi Rick,
Although I'm not entirely sure I comprehend your configuration, I'm going to take a shot at answering it anyway. In my opinion, your best bet is to pursue something similar to you strategy of creating breakpoints that are duplicates of of JDT breakpoints ("For instance, we could let the java editor set its own breakpoints, and then at launch time we would create our version of the breakpoint."), except I wouldn't create duplicates, but instead have your debugger engine install breakpoints based on the original JDT breakpoints.

Beyond that, to achieve the features you seek, you would probably be need to extend the JDT debugger implementation. For example, to prevent JDT from installing the breakpoints before your debugger engine had a chance to have a look at them, you would need some flag that JDT would read. Alternatively, you could try adjusting the enabled/disabled setting of the breakpoint, but it would probably be an error-prone


P.S. I cross-posted to a mail alias for Device Debugging (DSDP/DD) project where we deal specifically with remote/hardware debugging

Rick Marion wrote:

/I'm in the process of developing a debugger for a hardware platform our company has developed. The platform debugger understands both java

and assembly as the source language(s). For assembly, we have our own file extension to direct the editor and invoke our runtime adapter factory for breakpoint creation, etc when we toggle for breakpoints in

the ruler. However, for java source we cannot do this since we want only java projects with a nature we've supplied to be intercepted and processed with our breakpoint code. Java in projects without our nature should be directed to the standard JDT. Furthermore, in some instances, Java code with our nature would still be directed to the JDT/JVM if we're launching a simulation. The "Eclipse Debugger How-to"

suggests supplying a new source editor and adapting it. Will this mechanism work when multiple plug-ins registering different editors but still associated to edit files of the same extension, i.e. .java?
/If we have to write our own editor, we want to inherit all the features of the existing java editor with the exception of setting breakpoints. We want to be able to set our own breakpoints. When I say

all the features, I even mean the parsing of the java code and the production of the AST. Is inheriting all the java editor features as easy as extending JavaEditor even though it's internal, or are we in for a lot of work?/

/We've considered alternatives. For instance, we could let the java editor set its own breakpoints, and then at launch time we would create our version of the breakpoint. Our version of the breakpoint would never be registered with the BreakpointManager. If the user deletes a breakpoint from a launched program we could listen to the BreakpointManager to know when we should delete our version of the breakpoint. /

/Ultimately, we want to defer the decision of capturing the toggle and

setting breakpoints in our hardware or setting the breakpoint in the JVM to happen dynamically at toggle time, not editor configuration time or plug-in install time. For instance, if we're running an application in simulation mode, we want to send the toggle to the standard JVM handler, if we've launched a session that communicates with our hardware, we want to send breakpoint to our hardware. This bring up the issue of deferred breakpoint installation. Prior to launch, we don't know where to direct the breakpoint (JVM or our hardware). When we eventually launch we'll be able to direct all the breakpoints to our hardware, but won't the JVM already have attempted to install the breakpoint requests? How can we either circumvent the JVM from installing the breakpoints or backout the install requests./

/Is this possible or are there other mechanisms we should be using to direct the toggle action?/

/ /


/ /Rick

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