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[platform-debug-dev] use the Memory View programmatically?



I have a question about how to use the Memory View in Eclipse programmatically.

I want to read/display memory for a given address using the Memory View.


So far I have been following the advice given in the Bugzilla Bug 87374:


>To programatically open the memory view:




>To add memory blocks to the view, you need to add memory blocks to the memory

>block manager:



>IMemoryBlock[] {memoryBlocks});


>In addition to persisting the memory blocks, you may also want to persist the

>renderings that are opened. You will need to persist the rendering id and id

>of the containers in which a rendering is hosted.


>IViewPart part = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow>().


>IMemoryRenderingSite memoryView = (IMemoryRenderingSite)part;

>IMemoryRenderingContainer container = memoryView.getContainer("containerId");

>IMemoryRendering[] renderings = container.getRenderings[];


>When restoring the renderings, you will need to create the rendering, and add

>the rendering to the appropriate container within the memory view.


>To create a rendering:

>IMemoryRenderingType renderingType = DebugUITools.getMemoryRenderingManager().

>getRenderingType("rendeirng id");

>IMemoryRendering rendering = renderingType.createRendering();


>Then to add the rendering to the Memory View:

>IViewPart part = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().


>IMemoryRenderingSite memoryView = (IMemoryRenderingSite)part;

>IMemoryRenderingContainer container = memoryView.getContainer("containerId");



>Hope this helps...




If my IMemoryBlock implementation is correctly implemented and I have added it with


wouldn't that be enough to render it with the default "raw" memory renderer?


I could not get this to work, so I tried adding a memory renderer to a memory rendering container,

but I can not get hold of a non-null container. What default memory rendering containers are available?


My code so far looks like this (the container = null):



IWorkbenchPage page =  PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage();

  if (page != null)




        IViewPart view = page.showView("org.eclipse.debug.ui.MemoryView");


        IMemoryRenderingSite memoryView = (IMemoryRenderingSite) view;

        MemoryBlockExtentsion mbe = new MemoryBlockExtentsion(new DummyDebugTarget(), 0);


                    addMemoryBlocks(new IMemoryBlock[] {mbe});


        IMemoryRenderingType renderingType = DebugUITools.getMemoryRenderingManager().


        IMemoryRendering rendering = renderingType.createRendering();


        IMemoryRenderingContainer container = memoryView.getContainer(

                   DebugUIPlugin.getUniqueIdentifier() + ".MemoryView.RenderingViewPane.1");

        container.addMemoryRendering(rendering); // <------------- null!!!


       catch ...



In summary, what are the minimal steps required in order to display a block of memory

in the Memory View?



- Elin Karasalo



(I posted this message to the newsgroup, and was told to mail the

eclipse-debug-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx mailing list. I could not find this mailing list and

am now trying this list.)

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