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Re: [platform-debug-dev] help in debug


Questions like the one you have are best posted to the newsgroup  This is where the community of users posts
questions to the development team.  This mailing list is used by developers
to discuss the design/implementation of the debugger.

There are two requirements to debug a Java application using the Eclipse

1. The classfiles you are running must be compiled with debug information.
If you are using javac as your compiler, you must specify -g in your
command line, for example: javac -g myPack/
2. You must start the program in debug mode.  Specify the following
arguments on your command line
      -Xdebug -Xnoagent
java -Xdebug -Xnoagent
-Djava.compiler=NONE myPack.Test

Note:  Currently, there is no JSP debug support for Tomcat.

Hope this helps.

                      "Zouhua Ding"                                                                                                     
                      <zouhuading@xxxxxxxxxxx>          To:      platform-debug-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx                                         
                      Sent by:                          cc:                                                                             
                      platform-debug-dev-admin@         Subject: [platform-debug-dev] help in debug                                     
                      03/11/2002 01:04 AM                                                                                               
                      Please respond to                                                                                                 


Sorry to bother you guys.

I have a question for eclipse debug.It might be stupid, but
it is crucial to me.

I wrote a web application,compiled with ANT and deployed to
Tomcat, can I use eclipse to debug my code? if can, how?
I noticed that there is a issue in faq list to debug java program in remote

machine, could you give me the detail for
this problem?


Zouhua Ding
Computer Science
University of South Florida

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