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[platform-core-dev] IFile that corresponds to a logical view

Forwarding this discussion from the eclipse.platform newsgroup:


Thomas Hallgren wrote:
> The Buckminster (Technology subproject) uses an Eclipse extension point
> to produce a dependency graph for a component. One extension
> implementation will use the the Eclipse plugin manifest files as its
> source, another uses Maven's project.xml, a third uses the Buckminster
> propriatary format. We forsee several other implementations. Buckminster
> maintain the graph in its workspace meta-data. What I want to do is to
> make this depencency graph available as an IFile regardless of if it is
> a concrete file (the Buckminster proprietary format) or something that
> is generated programmatically by an extension.

Why do you wan to make it available as an IFile?  Do you want this artifact to be treated as an IFile in all cases, appearing in the Navigator inside some project, openable with editors, etc? Do you want to attach markers or other metadata to it?  I'm just trying to understand if you want this to be a "first class" file in the workspace.

> We could probably stipulate that an extension contributor must make a
> "primary source" resource available and thus enable scenario 2). But if
> we do, then that resource will be eclipsed by the generated resource.
> The contributors to the dependency calculation are likely to be
> resources in their own right and we can't really violate that. So, even
> if it is likely that there will be at least one physical file, it still
> feels like scenaro 1).
> The more I think of it, isn't scenario 2) just as challenging in any
> case? If some plugin does a getLocation().toFile() and ends up with a
> file that somehow contributes to the logical content rather than no file
> at all, then that might be just as bad or even worse. Sure, you would be
> able to open the file or check if it exists but the content that you
> read is incorrect and the existence of that single resource doesn't
> necessarily mean that the logical resource is present. It might depend
> on several files, on specific content, etc. And, as with my example
> above, the physical file might be a resource in its own right.

My description of 2) was a bit scarce.  I view this case as a logical domain-specific model that is backed by a set of resources.  Most operations act directly on the domain model and don't care at all that the logical model is stored in files.  However, some operations require access to the physical file (such as CVS operations).  In this case all that's needed is a transform that can take a logical model element as input and produce (physical) IResource objects as output.  In this case the IResource objects retain their 1-1 mapping with the file system.

> I'd like to issue an enhancement request but I'd like to discuss a bit
> furhter what it would say. The essence of it would (I think) be to make
> the Eclipse plugins less dependent on that a resource location maps to
> the presence of a file/directory in the local file system.

I think it ends up being an all or nothing proposition.  As soon as an IResource is introduced that has no direct mapping to the local file system, the whole platform needs to adhere to that new abstraction, or things would simply stop working.
> The abstraction is there already. The reason people break it is probably
> lack of some functionality in IPath. I know I break it because theres no
> IPath.exists(), IPath.delete(), IPath.isDirectory() or IPath.list().
> Perhaps they could be implemented so that a check is made if the path
> represents a resource, if it is, then the information/action would be
> obtained/carried out by that resoruce. If not, then the local file
> system would be consulted. Relative paths would always be relative to
> the workspace of course.

I think IPath isn't rich enough to express it.  IPath only has a device, and an ordered array of String segments.  I think you'd need something that's structured more like a URI (with a scheme and a less structured portion that may be interpreted differently depending on the scheme).  Also, IPath is currently heavily used to represent things other than file system paths, such as abstract workspace paths.  I.e., if IPath was overhauled to fit the bill of a complete file system abstraction, it would end up looking very different and would be difficult to do in a compatible way. In any case, this is an implementation detail.


Thomas Hallgren wrote:
> John,
> Let me try and elaborate on what it is I'm trying to do.
> The Buckminster (Technology subproject) uses an Eclipse extension point
> to produce a dependency graph for a component. One extension
> implementation will use the the Eclipse plugin manifest files as its
> source, another uses Maven's project.xml, a third uses the Buckminster
> propriatary format. We forsee several other implementations. Buckminster
> maintain the graph in its workspace meta-data. What I want to do is to
> make this depencency graph available as an IFile regardless of if it is
> a concrete file (the Buckminster proprietary format) or something that
> is generated programmatically by an extension.
> We could probably stipulate that an extension contributor must make a
> "primary source" resource available and thus enable scenario 2). But if
> we do, then that resource will be eclipsed by the generated resource.
> The contributors to the dependency calculation are likely to be
> resources in their own right and we can't really violate that. So, even
> if it is likely that there will be at least one physical file, it still
> feels like scenaro 1).
> The more I think of it, isn't scenario 2) just as challenging in any
> case? If some plugin does a getLocation().toFile() and ends up with a
> file that somehow contributes to the logical content rather than no file
> at all, then that might be just as bad or even worse. Sure, you would be
> able to open the file or check if it exists but the content that you
> read is incorrect and the existence of that single resource doesn't
> necessarily mean that the logical resource is present. It might depend
> on several files, on specific content, etc. And, as with my example
> above, the physical file might be a resource in its own right.
> I'd like to issue an enhancement request but I'd like to discuss a bit
> furhter what it would say. The essence of it would (I think) be to make
> the Eclipse plugins less dependent on that a resource location maps to
> the presence of a file/directory in the local file system.
> The abstraction is there already. The reason people break it is probably
> lack of some functionality in IPath. I know I break it because theres no
> IPath.exists(), IPath.delete(), IPath.isDirectory() or IPath.list().
> Perhaps they could be implemented so that a check is made if the path
> represents a resource, if it is, then the information/action would be
> obtained/carried out by that resoruce. If not, then the local file
> system would be consulted. Relative paths would always be relative to
> the workspace of course.
> Regards,
> Thomas Hallgren
> John Arthorne wrote:
>> Thomas, do you mean:
>> 1) That your "logical" file is not in the file system at all, or
>> 2) That it doesn't map 1-1 with a single file, but the data is stored
>> in files (either the logical element spans multiple files or a single
>> file contains multiple logical elements).
>> We are interested in exploring these problems in the next Eclipse
>> release.  We started to make progress on 2) in the 3.1 release. Our
>> approach has been to facilitate the mapping of logical elements to
>> physical files, rather than turning IFile into a logical layer and
>> hiding the physical layer entirely. In many cases this is the only
>> choice, since some tools, such as repository plugins, typically have
>> no choice but to deal directly with the physical file level.  See for
>> example the following bug:
>> If you are interested in 1), that is a much more challenging problem.
>> Many plugins make the assumption that IFile maps closely to a physical
>> file, often by calling IFile.getLocation().toFile() to obtain a
>>  This class of plugins (which includes most of the
>> platform itself), would not be able to handle an IFile that was not
>> backed by a  However, you are welcome to enter an
>> enhancement request for this.  It has frequently been discussed in the
>> past but I was surprisely unable to find anything in bugzilla on the
>> subject.
>> --
>> Thomas Hallgren wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm considering the creation of an IFile implementation that would
>>> correspond to a logical view (XML) of some computed data. The data
>>> has no natural corresponding file on disk.
>>> Besides providing the actual data, what is required to do such an
>>> implementation? How do I register the implementation with the
>>> workspace so that it can be viewed, opened, etc. Is there an example
>>> somewhere that I can look at?
>>> Regards,
>>> Thomas Hallgren

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