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[platform-core-dev] On demand loading and installation of components

        I'm going to be looking at ways to implement the following scenario it probably has a name already.  On demand install ? I'm using component to mean a unit of usable function (could contain multiple features/plugins/bundles etc)

User is using Eclipse based product.
  1. During normal use enables something that doesn't exist (say triggers the PDE capability)
  2. However the PDE isn't installed. But some "magic" happens.
  3. This spell causes a sequence of events that at the end installs the component that was missing.  (leave how it installs it aside for now ) Now the user is happily using the PDE because it is such a cool tool.

The problem space  is a a set  products encompassing thousands of plugins and features all using the same eclipse instance/runtime.

Expand the idea of a not installed component to a not-installed component that also requires service to the product before it can be installed. So rather than a straight download from an update site something like an install program and the user popping CD's etc in may need to occur.

So this kind of capability requires support from the runtime.  Can anyone point me in a direction to start looking at this?  Browsing the runtime dev page the Dynamic Support and Stub Plugin thoughts look promising so I expect this isn't a new topic of discussion.

Thoughts, opinions , pointers to some doc are all welcome.


Peter Manahan
IBM Rational Tools
Common Install

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