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Re: [platform-core-dev] Building libraries - Suggestion

Its a good idea.  I would modify the idea a little and rather than making a
build.native target in build.xml, have the build.xml call out to a target
in a new file native.xml.  This way, people don't have to modify the
build.xmls that are generated by the build mechanism.  We might consider
generalizing this model a little further to some sort of pre and post build
mechanism but we'd have to think whether or not that is warranted.

It would be interesting to hear from the SWT folks how this might fit into
their world.


                      "Dean Roberts"                                                                         
                      <Dean_Roberts@xxxxxxx>           To:      platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx              
                      Sent by:                         cc:      platform-swt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx,                
                      platform-core-dev-admin@         platform-core-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx                         
                                  Subject: [platform-core-dev] Building libraries -     
                      10/25/2002 07:44 AM                                                                    
                      Please respond to                                                                      

Tom has sent in this suggestion for building native libraries as part of
the build process.

I thought I would send this to core and swt lists since the SWT team builds
most of the libraries in Eclipse and the core team is now responsible for
the pde-build process.

I think Tom's suggestion makes a lot of sense.

Any comments would be greatly appreciated.


   Tom Tromey <tromey@xxxxxxxxxx>                                         
                                          To:        platform-releng-dev  
   Sent by:                       <platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>       
   platform-releng-dev-admin@ecli         cc:                                                       Subject:                        
                                  [platform-releng-dev] Build suggestion  
   24/10/2002 17:48                                                       
   Please respond to                                                      

For our internal builds, we need to be able to rebuild all the native
code when we build the java code.  This is a consequence of how we
build the operating system and the fact that we want to be able to
build Eclipse into an OS release.

Right now there's no simple way to do that.  The .so files are checked
in to the repository, etc.

I'd like to propose adding a new `build.native' target to all the
build.xml files.  Then the top-level build.xml could invoke this
target in every plugin directory.  In many directories this would be a
no-op; in others it would invoke `make' as appropriate.

This wouldn't have to be done for the builds, so it would
mean no process changes there.  It would just be a feature for folks
in our position.

Would this be acceptable?  If so I'm happy to write a patch to
implement it.  (Or more precisely a first stab, as I have no way to do
some of the builds.)

platform-releng-dev mailing list

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