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Re: [platform-core-dev] Flexible projects: step 3

Looks very nice. I have two comments:

1) A feature request, really. When checking out a project from a VCM, it would be nice to have Eclipse prompt to set any path variables required by the project, but are not yet defined. This saves the three-step process of: check out, have a bunch of errors generated, set variables, rebuild. (this would be nice to have for Java classpath variables as well). Not a must have by any stretch, but would definitely be more intuitive than having errors because the links can't be resolved (the links may not error, but other plugins requiring them, such as the java compiler, would complain).

2) The document mentions the ability to link in files. I saw no requirement for this in any of the use cases, nor can I see much value in it. I'm perhaps missing some detail, or maybe it's been included just to keep things orthogonal. If not, I think this ability could be removed to simplify both implementation and the UI for creating links.

Good job! Never had any need for this myself, but I'm glad to see the Eclipse team responding so well to the community.


At 06:43 PM 24/10/2002 -0400, you wrote:
The trilogy is complete!

You've read the problem definition:

You've read the list of possible solutions:

And now you're waiting with bated breathed for the proposed solution.
Well, here it is:

Now it's your turn.  Please provide feedback on this document if this issue
concerns you.  Let us know if the proposed solution meets your needs, and
whether you think we've missed anything.  Look for updates in the milestone
plans to find out when to expect these solutions to begin appearing.

Yours sincerely,

The "Flexible Project Structure" team.

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