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[platform-ant-dev] Re: Automagic target reconciliation...

Erich noted:

> I was writing an Ant script from scratch that updates an Eclipse
> update site and was using the AntView. The AntView is great
> for such a task since I can develop one target at the time and
> then easily run it (btw automatic reconciling
> the targets as I edit would be nice, but this requires Ant
> editing support - more on this below...)

I would second that motion!

I have some reasonably complicated Ant build files for my open source GPS 
library.  Lately I've been playing with Eclipse a bit to see if I should bother 
switching from my nornal IDE (JPadPro) to Eclipse.  But without the ability to 
select arbitrary Ant targets in a build file (which I believe Ant-View has....must 
d/l that and try it out) along with dynamic config of the available targets, 
Eclipse is not very attractive to me.

If you have an XML parser available, doing dyanamic discovery of Ant targets 
is pretty just look for the <target> tag and pick up the name= 
attribute (but only if the description attribute is not null!).  I wrote this code for 
JPadPro....and it's a dream to use such a system, when all your builds are 
based on Ant.

Andrzej Jan Taramina
Chaeron Corporation: Enterprise System Solutions

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