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Re: [platform-ant-dev] Testing Ant in a target workspace

Darin, this is useful information but it raises a few questions.  Why don't
you just use PDE to do this?  I know there is code there to do most/all of
what your scripts do.  Perhaps PDE needs to have an Ant task or two
provided?  There are two reasons this is important.

First, this kind of approach is error prone.  If something changes in the file, the updateTarget.xml file must also be updated.

The second is that for most/many people, PDE is the tool to use for
developing plugins.  If it does not serve the needs of those people then it
should be fixed.  The best people to find/fix the deficiencies are the
eclipse team itself.  To that end, I would encourage people to use PDE and
complain if it does not do what they need/want.

MetaMoment:  I'm not quite sure of the usecase for what you are doing.  If
it is ongoing testing of changes then one should be able to skip all of
this and just run with "-dev bin" on the target's command line.   Much
lighterweight.  If you want to be sure you are running "the real thing"
then PDE should do the trick as it generates exactly what is shipped (note
for the anally retentive like me: updateTarget.xml generates a plugin dir
which has more than the real build plugin).

Either way, if people are finding that they really have to do it this way
then something is broken in our tooling.


                      "Darin Swanson"                                                                       
                      <Darin_Swanson@xxxxxxx>         To:      platform-ant-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx                 
                      Sent by:                        cc:                                                   
                      platform-ant-dev-admin@         Subject: [platform-ant-dev] Testing Ant in a target   
                      09/30/2002 03:19 PM                                                                   
                      Please respond to                                                                     

I thought I would share how I am currently testing Ant changes.

I set up a "testing Ant" Eclipse installation (full Eclipse installation of
the latest build)

There are two scripts that I use. Both are called updateTarget.xml and live
in the scripts directories of org.eclipse.ant.core and
This scripts are available via CVS for these two projects.
As well in org.eclipse.ui.externaltools/scripts there is updateTargets.xml
which runs both scripts.
These scripts generate the plugins for org.eclipse.ant.core and
org.eclipse.ui.externaltools and copy them to the "testing Ant" Eclipse

To use the update scripts as defined in the scripts directories of
org.eclipse.ant.core and org.eclipse.ui.externaltools, the "testing Ant"
 Eclipse installation will need to be placed in a directory structure
Of course you can modify the scripts as you would like.

I then launch the "testing Ant" Eclipse installation in "attach" debug
C:\Debugger\Ant\eclipse\eclipse.exe -vm c:
\jdk1.4.1_b15\jdk1.4.1\jre\bin\java.exe -debug -data c:
\workspacesAntTesting -showlocation -vmargs -Xdebug -Xnoagent
If you do not plan to do any debugging you can launch the testing Ant
Eclipse any way you like.

From my development workspace, I create a remote Java Application launch
configuration and I use this to debug any problems.

So my normal work flow:
      make all of the changes to fix the current problem
      run updateTargets.xml
      Fire up the "testing Ant" Eclipse
      Ensure that the problem is fixed.

Please let me know if you have any problems with this explanation ;-)

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