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[platform-ant-dev] loader constraints violated when linking org/apache/tools/ant/BuildListener

loader constraints violated when linking org/apache/tools/ant/BuildListener class

We use Eclipse 2.0 under windows NT. 

Class relationship diagram:

***********	*************	
* Builder *---->* AntRunner *	
***********	*************
       		*********************	   ***********************************      
		* SampleBuildLogger *----->* 		  Test 	             * 	  	
		*********************	   ***********************************	
					   * BuildListener getBuildListener()*

We have a plugin which has a "Builder" class. It uses "AntRunner" class to execute ANT script. The following code snippet shows the same.

	AntRunner runner = new AntRunner();

Here, BUILD_LOGGER class is "SampleBuildLogger" implementing "BuildLogger" interface. This is is packaged a separate jar and put under the lib folder of the plugin.
The following contribution  is made in the "plugin.xml" of the plugin

The "SampleBuildLogger" Class creates an instance of "Test". The "Test" class has the following method
	BuildListener getBuildListener()

Invoking the build is producing the following error 
	java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: java.lang.LinkageError : loader constraints violated when linking org/apache/tools/ant/BuildListener class

Tried as part of debugging:
	Try 1:
		If we change the return type of  "getBuildListener()" from "BuildListener" to some thing else 			say "IBuildListener"(custom interface), it goes OK. (But, we need to use org.apache.BuildListener only)

	Try 2:
		As a Java application(not plugin), trying to create "SampleBuildLogger" instance which in turn 			will create "Test" having "BuildListener getBuildListener()" method, goes OK. (But, we need to having a 		plugin. It will use AntRunner to speak to listener )

We guess that the problem is something to do with the way we access the listener classes in reference to Ant class loader.

Please kindly throw some light on how the problem can be solved?

Thanks in advance


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