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[photran] No outline --- UnsupportedOperationException: null

Dear Photraneers,

I have recently installed Eclipse Luna for Parallel Application Developers. The first time I opened my existing workspace, I have been asked to confirm the upgrade of the workspace to the new version; which I did.

Unfortunately, most of the files of my Fortran project (an "other toolchain" Makefile project) does not show the Outline and in the relevant space I read an error: "UnsupportedOperationException: null". If I double-click on it I am brought to a different place for every file (or, at least, I could not figure out any common cause that could trigger the error).

For example, in the following module file:

module foo
  use mach_consts, only: dp
  use iso_fortran_env, only: output_unit
  use file_utils, only: max_label
  implicit none

  real(dp), parameter :: bar = -1e9_dp


end module foo

the error points to the "implicit none" line and if I comment line by line, the error moves up until the very first line ("module foo").

I have tried to create another workspace and import the projects there but it did not change anything. I have also created a new project in the newly created workspace and imported only the source code files with no result. Over the internet it seems there is no trace of this error, so I suppose it is something specific to my installation.

Could you please help me with this problem?



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