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Re: [photran] Photran for Kepler - Environment setup for developers

Answering my own question: Downloaded and built Photran source from git repo and that fixed the error.


On 11/05/2012 12:45 PM, Balamurali Ananthan wrote:

I am trying to build a plugin that we developed here at Tech-X and our plugin depends on Photran. I have this in the MANIFEST.MF file of the plugin:

Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.photran.core;bundle-version="8.0.0",

However when building my plugin, I keep getting, 'Bundle org.eclipse.photran.core.vpg cannot be resolved' errors amongst others.

Before building the plugin, I did the following:
- I am using eclipse-SDK-4.3M2-linux-gtk-x86_64
- I downloaded and unzipped the contents in a dir called 'ptp-master-nightly' - In my eclipse->Window->Preferences->Plugin Development->API Baselines, I created a new baseline, by pointing the location of the new baseline to the 'ptp-master-nightly' dir.

Do I have to get Photran src from Git and compile it as well? Could anyone please point me what I am missing?

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