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[photran] Juno: problem with Refactor and indentation

When I try to Refactor a project with Juno I get a message that the file cmake_fc.f90 (attached) cannot be parsed. When I try to correct indentation (Cntr+I) I get: "Syntax error: Unexpected end of input cmake_fc.f90, line 65, column 1). Expected one of the ..."

Let me say that there is no line 65, routine ends at line 63. In addition the file as well as the project compiles and runs correctly. What I am doing wrong?


subroutine cmake_fc (num_verts, num_3faces, num_4faces, &
     num_4cells, num_5cells, num_6cells, num_8cells, f3_c, f3_v, f4_c, &
     f4_v, num_3bfaces, num_4bfaces, bf3_v, bf4_v, bf3_f, bf4_f, &
     bc3type, bc4type, c4_v, c5_v, c6_v, c8_v)
  implicit real(8)(a - h, o - z)
  integer(kind=4) :: f3_c (2, * ), f3_v (3, * ), f4_c (2, * ), f4_v (4, * )
  integer(kind=4) :: c4_v (4, * ), c5_v (5, * ), c6_v (6, * ), c8_v (8, * )
integer(kind=4) :: bf3_v (3, * ), bf4_v (4, * ), bf3_f ( * ), bf4_f ( * )
  integer(kind=4) :: bc3type ( * ), bc4type ( * )
  logical :: match2, match3
  logical :: add123, add234, add124, add134, add125, add235, add345, add145
  logical :: add456, add1234
  logical :: add1245, add2356, add1346
  logical :: add5678, add1256, add2367, add3478, add1458
  integer(kind=4) , allocatable::vodeg (:), volist (:, :)
  logical :: abort
     subroutine make_fc (abort, ifactor, num_verts, num_3faces, &
num_4faces, num_4cells, num_5cells, num_6cells, num_8cells, f3_c, & f3_v, f4_c, f4_v, num_3bfaces, num_4bfaces, bf3_v, bf4_v, bf3_f, &
          bf4_f, bc3type, bc4type, c4_v, c5_v, c6_v, c8_v, vodeg, volist)
       implicit real (8)(a - h, o - z)
integer(kind=4) :: f3_c (2, * ), f3_v (3, * ), f4_c (2, * ), f4_v (4, * ) integer(kind=4) :: c4_v (4, * ), c5_v (5, * ), c6_v (6, * ), c8_v (8, * ) integer(kind=4) :: bf3_v (3, * ), bf4_v (4, * ), bf3_f ( * ), bf4_f ( * )
       integer(kind=4) :: vodeg ( * ), volist (num_verts, * )
       integer(kind=4) :: bc3type ( * ), bc4type ( * )
       logical :: abort
     end subroutine make_fc
    end interface

    IFACTOR = 16

   10 continue

    allocate (vodeg (num_verts))          ; vodeg=0
    allocate (volist(num_verts, ifactor)) ; volist=0

    abort = .false.

    call make_fc (abort, ifactor, num_verts, num_3faces, num_4faces, &
num_4cells, num_5cells, num_6cells, num_8cells, f3_c, f3_v, f4_c, &
         f4_v, num_3bfaces, num_4bfaces, bf3_v, bf4_v, bf3_f, bf4_f, &
         bc3type, bc4type, c4_v, c5_v, c6_v, c8_v, vodeg, volist)

    deallocate (volist, vodeg)
    if (abort) then
       ifactor = ifactor + 2
       !        write(*,*)' ifactor increased to ',ifactor
       goto 10


end subroutine cmake_fc

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