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[photran] openMPI and MPICH2 in windows with miniGW and gfortran

I am using the eclipse PTP IDE to develop MPI code, I want to be able
to compile MPI on windows, it seems to provide c++ and c binding, but
I am writing using fortran and gfortran compiler and would like to
work in windows, the current problem doesn't exist on linux because
there it is possible to compile the libraries locally in linux and use
the .mod modules.

I wanted to compile the modules using cygwin but the GNU gfortran
version on cygwin is too old, and I wasn't successful openMPI or
MPICH2 on windows using miniGW

any suggestions? maybe using c++ binding in fortran 2003, I write my
code in fortran 2003 so it support this feature.

Documentation on this issue is lacking.

Thank you.

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