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[photran] Warnings about deleted built-in deleted include directories

Title: sincerely_yours.txt
Dear Photran developers and users,

For years, in projects created years ago (and still used) I have had warnings such as
"Invalid project path: Include path not found (/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/038/mkl/include)."
for system built-in include directories that are either not present because I created the project on Linux and currently use it on Windows (or the reverse) or because these directories do not exist any more after installation of a new version of the compilers.
I think I have found the origin of those warnings in "Properties / Fortran (or C/C++) General / Paths and Symbols / includes" for Language GNU C, IF I CHECK "show built-in values"!
Unfortunately, the "Delete" Button on the right stays Shaded if I click on these names.

Does anyone has an idea of how to get rid of those non-existent *built-in* include directories?

Sincerely yours,

Michel DEVEL

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