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Re: [photran] updates

Hi Mathew,

How are things going with the refactorings?

There's only one new refactoring in beta 5 (Move SAVE Variables to COMMON block), but there are several others in development. I can't say exactly which ones will go into production when, because it's mostly other students developing them as parts of other projects, so it depends on their schedules and how robust their results are.

I should mention that the Photran Developer's Guide contains a detailed description of how to write new refactorings, so if anyone out there wants to take a shot at it, it's lots of fun. :-) And we're happy to answer questions.


P.S. -- I had mentioned to at least one person (Bruno Boniati) that Rename would be able to handle INTERFACE blocks and external subroutines/functions across files. That didn't happen in beta 5 -- there wasn't enough time to implement and test it sufficiently -- but it will be in beta 6.

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