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[photran] New Issues in outline view photran 3.0


I am back with new issues. I have put them in the bugzilla database, too.
If for the third one the workaround is simple (not use variables which names start with include) I have no solution to avoid 1 and 2. I suspect that both constructs use fortran 95 standard specifications and the parser does not figure out that.


Issue 1 - Outline view crash: Unexpected T_RPAREN
number in bugzilla database 126546

Linux Suse 9.2 Photran 3.0 Compiler INTEL FORTRAN 9.0 (ifort (IFORT) 9.0 20051201) If I have a line like density(atoms%orbs(i,n)) = 1.0d0 finishes with the error Unexpected T_RPAREN

The code which shows the problem

module blabla
implicit none

type,public :: atomic_type
integer ::n
integer :: orbs(:,:)
end type atomic_type

type(atomic_type), public,save :: atoms

subroutine blablas(i,n,density)
integer, intent(inout) :: i,n
real,intent(in) ::density(:)

density(atoms%orbs(i,n)) = 1.0d0

write(*,'(a,i5)',advance='no') density(atoms%orbs(i,n))

end subroutine blablas

end module blabla

Issue 2 - Outline view crash: Unexpected T_ALLOCATABLE
number in bugzilla database 126547
Linux Suse 9.2 Photran 3.0 Compiler INTEL FORTRAN 9.0 (ifort (IFORT) 9.0 20051201)

If the component in a type definition block has the attribute allocatable the outline viewer gives the error Unexpected T_ALLOCATABLE

The code which reproduces the error is

module blabla
implicit none

type,public :: atomic_type
integer ::n
integer, allocatable :: orbs(:,:)
end type atomic_type

end module blabla

Issue 3 - Outline view crash: variable name starts with include
number in bugzilla database 126548

Linux Suse 9.2 Photran 3.0 Compiler INTEL FORTRAN 9.0 (ifort (IFORT) 9.0 20051201)

If the name of a variable starts with include the outline view finishes with an error. The error is next line dependent. For example name of the variable is includex in example one the error is Unexpected T_COLON, in example two is Unexpected T_EOS

example one

module blabla
implicit none

integer :: includex
real :: m

end module blabla

example two

module blabla
implicit none

integer :: includex


subroutine blablas
end subroutine blablas

end module blabla


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                          G. F. Fitzgerald, Nature, 45/46, 392 (1892)
Mr. Alin M. ELENA                       Home Address: 19 Mount Charles
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Atomistic Simulation Centre
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