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Re: [photran-dev] Questions about 7.0

On Jun 10, 2011, at 8:36 PM, Doug Schaefer wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 5:28 PM, Jeffrey Overbey <overbey2@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Greg,
>>> 1. When I open the properties of a Fortran project, I see the C/C++ Build and General properties along with the Fortran ones. Is this expected?
>> Yes. Every Fortran project is also a C project, but not every C
>> project is a Fortran project.
>>> 2. When I open a .h file in the project, I see codan errors in the files.
>> Yes. CDT assumes that .h files are C, not Fortran.
>> I've seen some projects use .fh or .Inc for Fortran include files, but
>> nothing is quite as standardized as in C.
> That's something we should talk about. Right now we use cnature to
> mean CDT project and to signify that it's a C project. We should
> probably separate out those concepts and introduce a new nature for
> the C aspects, like interpreting header files in a certain language.
> Thoughts?

The problem is that a Fortran program is very rarely "pure" Fortran. In a lot of cases they include some C code, and often this gets linked into the Fortran executable. It's also apparently very common to use the C preprocessor on Fortran code. The code I'm looking at right now has C and Fortran code mixed in the the same directory, and worse, a bunch of .h files some of which contain C code and some Fortran code. It seems like a blanket C nature or Fortran nature is too coarse grained for this type of project. I think it would be necessary to be able to designate the language used by individual files.


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