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[pde-ui-dev] Detached view - close cancel not behaving correctly

I am working on a plugin where we show our panels in views by extending org.eclipse.ui.part.ViewPart. I want to be able to ask the user to confirm the close of the view. For this purpose I implement ISaveablePart2 and ask custom question in the overridden promptToSaveOnClose() method. Everything works fine when the view is not detached. But when it is detached if I choose to cancel (i.e. return CANCEL from this method) the view is closed anyway. Then on workspace close I am asked again to close and if I choose to cancel the workspace is not closed(which is OK). I think that the correct behaviour would be not to close the detached view when the method returns CANCEL.

Is this a known issue or I am doing someting wrong(I tried searching for this, but could not find what can be the origin of this) .

If relevanto code is needed to clarify the problem please indicate what should be provided.

Thanks for your time

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