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Re: [pde-dev] creating a p2 update archive

I believe I've figured it out. The trick is to direct the generation of the jars to a central location


and then zip up the location (c:/some/dir). Note that the zip will lack other files which may be need to be included in the archive. This only gets the plugin and feature jars in place.


At 12:10 PM 8/20/2010, John Cortell wrote:
I'm trying to figure out how create an update archive for a feature locally, using pde-build. I'm close, but not quite there. I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

1. I invoke the eclipse.buildScript Ant task on the feature-plugin and it produces all the build.xmls for the feature and all the plugins the feature contains. So far so good.
2. I invoke the default target (build.update.jar) of the feature build.xml generated by (1), and it compiles every project and produces a jar at the root of each project directory. Still looking good.
3. Now I'm looking to produce a zip file that contains all the jars produced by (2), same as if I'd done an "Export Feature" operation on the plugin-feature. I see no target in the feature build.xml generated by (1) that will give me that. There's the zip.distribution target, which I've used in the past. It produces a zip with all the bits pertaining to the feature (including all its plugins), but the contents are in the "old-school" way of distributing features. I would expect a target that does the same thing but for p2.

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