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[pde-dev] How can I implement a listener for the termination of a RuntimeProcess


In the Debug View, one can see a Launch having as children an
IDebugTarget and an IProcess.

If I terminate the IDebugTarget, the Launch or any of the IThread's,
the terminate event propagated successfully and all the objects
INCLUDING the IProcess is terminated.

Here is the problem:

But if I terminate the IProcess (this is a RuntimeProcess instance),
the terminated event does not propagate the same way (I have custom
code that must be executed before the IDebugTarget terminates.). So,
even if the Debug View UI shows the labels as "<terminated>" for all
the objects in the hierarchy, the IDebugTarget.terminated() is not
called anymore?

Why is this? Or how can I add a listener to the termination of the IProcess?



MSc Gabriel Petrovay
Mobile: +41(0)787978034

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