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Re: [pde-dev] PDE Meeting Monday July 13th Cancelled

Hi all,

I'm sorry I didn't join the call today, I'm in a prolongated week-end due to the Bastille Day tomorrow in France... :)

I'm working mainly on the "modeling" incubator at the moment. It is in a pretty good shape now (it is even continuously integrated using the CBI!), and that would be interesting to try to go a step further (blueprint service model and editor? EMF powered PDE editor in e4 (Boris has initiated some cool stuff!))... Any volunteers? :)  Anyways, I will try to find time to document the work done in the wiki...
I've also an Xtext based Manifest editor that would probably be a good solution for people wanting an API to edit PDE files... I need to polish it a bit and will then commit it in the incubator too.


Anyware Technologies
Benjamin Cabé
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Jacek Pospychała a écrit :
I should join as well.

To let you know, at the moment I'm working on PDE GSOC project - OSGi Monitoring with Wojciech. We're spinning up before the mid-term eval.


Chris Aniszczyk pisze:
On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 1:52 PM, Curtis Windatt <Curtis_Windatt@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:Curtis_Windatt@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Turns out that all of the IBM PDE committers will be unavailable
    on the 13th, so the meeting is cancelled.  We will have a call the
    next Monday, the 20th.

    If the non-IBM committers care to meet anyway the conference line
    will be available.

I'll be in town next week so I'll run the call.

Hopefully it won't be lonely... I'll have the 10 minute rule going...

Chris Aniszczyk | EclipseSource Austin | +1 860 839 2465 |

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