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[pde-dev] Problem with Classpath and tools.jar

The problem is that I have a library, which includes plug-in classpath and bin.include in the Manifest file.
And org.esoeso.quetal.Miclase class within the library, when I execute the method run (), I get the following error:
ERROR: is not available in the classpath, Suns requires JDK version 5.0 or latter

In the run method I try to compile I get property System.getProperty ( "java.class.path") but it returns me the value is C: \ Eclipse3.4.2 \ plugins \ org . eclipse.equinox.launcher_ .... and logically can not find javac.Main as this in the jdk tools.jar.
Something similar happens to me apt.main

The question is: How do I include tools.jar in the classpath of eclipse? for me to recognize the plugin.

Thanks and I apologize for my English :-)

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