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[pde-dev] Getting Tablet Events (in OS X)


i'm new to the list. i have a problem: i have using jerry huxtable's JNITablet ( ) successfully for a long time now. i am now writing an Eclipse application in Scala, using my Java libraries. the code in JNITablet doesn't work any more because as it seems there is a stupidity that only one instance of NSApplication can exist and that has a non-plugable method sendEvent that is for mouse and tablet event notifications.

the approach of JNITablet is a follows: via JNI a call to startup is made which instantiates a fake-subclass of NSApplication, using some method named poseAsClass:

JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_jhlabs_jnitablet_TabletWrapper_startup (JNIEnv *env, jobject this) {
    [CustomApplication poseAsClass: [NSApplication class]];
    g_object = (*env)->NewGlobalRef( env, this );
    g_class = (*env)->GetObjectClass( env, this );
    g_class = (*env)->NewGlobalRef( env, g_class );
    if( g_class != (jclass) 0 ) {
g_postMethodID = (*env)->GetMethodID( env, g_class, "postEvent", "(IIFFIIIIIFFFFFSSS)V" ); g_postProximityMethodID = (*env)->GetMethodID( env, g_class, "postProximityEvent", "(IIZIIIIIIII)V" );
	} else {
		NSLog(@"JNITablet: Couldn't register java methods");

this CustomApplication is as follows

@interface CustomApplication : NSApplication

@implementation CustomApplication
- (void) sendEvent:(NSEvent *)event
    JNIEnv *env;
    bool shouldDetach = false;
	int clickCount = -1;

    switch ( [event type] ) {
    case NSLeftMouseDown:
    case NSLeftMouseUp:
		clickCount = [event clickCount];
	case NSMouseMoved:
    case NSLeftMouseDragged:
    case NSTabletPoint:
		// ...
		// ... here's the code that calls back into the Java VM
		// ...
    [super sendEvent: event];

as it turns out, now that my java code is running inside an eclipse application, CustomApplication's sendEvent is not called any more, hence i don't receive the tablet events. second problem is, i'm a java developer with barely any knowledge of: ObjectiveC, Cocoa, .... (and unfortunately, also SWT, as all my code is in Swing, using the SWT-to-Swing bridge)

so.... any hints are welcome as how i an reestablish my tablet event delivery...

thanks a lot!

ciao, -sciss-

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