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[pde-dev] support for products and extensions

In Eclipse there are things that you launch (products) and things you add on to products (extensions).  In PDE these manifest themselves as Product configuration files and Features respectively.  They are related but different.

-          Products are defined in relatively simple files, features require you to have a whole project

-          Features can have licenses, root files, descriptions, … Products are all around launching and branding

The differences are good as all of this information is actually needed.  The problem is that products are now installable.


In the old world (well today) “products” are not installable by Eclipse infrastructure.  They are built and then packaged as zip files and unzip’d by users and lauched.  In the new world (i.e. with p2) everything is installable.  At least initially installable things are described using features.  Under the build covers there is actually a feature generated in the process of  building a product but this is thrown away.  Net result is that people wanting to create deployable products have to create both a product and a feature.  That is not so bad (may even be great) but the workflows around this are less than optimal.

-          The whole file vs. project thing.  Users can create a feature project and put the product file in it but one of the nice things about products is that you could have many in one project.

-          There is some level of duplication/disconnect in ids, feature lists,

-          The configuration tab in a product would always just list the product feature (in this scenario)

In short, the end users need to think a bit too hard to create a deployable product.


I’m not really expecting/suggesting that we do something in the 3.4 timeframe.  There might be some tweaks and as we go about enhancing the product support around p2, it might be good to keep this stuff in mind.



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