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Re: [pde-dev] [apitools] representing API

Darin Wright wrote on 10/01/2007 09:14:46 PM:
> I think we may also need to keep references within the "API unit" as well.
> This would allow us to detect leakage of non-public types into a public
> API (for example, return types, argument types, and supertypes).

Can this be done by inference if you know the internal/external boundary of the API unit?  For example, if a method returns a type that it does not import then it is likely a type from itself and if the method is API, the return type should be API.  This may involve some additional boundary information but it likely greatly reduces the reference information needed.

> > 5) supertype and interface information
> In order to peform API breakage analysis the complete API of each type is
> required - i.e. inherited members are required. Since supertypes may
> originate in other "API units" (bundles, etc.), we either need to
> introduce dependencies between the "API units" or ensure that a unit has
> all API information present. For example, if a method is added or removed
> from a public type, we need to determine where in the type hierarchy the
> method was added or removed to know where the breakage occured (i.e. in
> which "API unit").
> I think we should experiment with keeping a "library of required types"
> with each "API unit" - that way each unit could be analyzed by itself, and
> we would not require other "prerequsite units". I would suggest that we
> generate stubs for each external required type as well, and package them
> in some "library" folder within the "API unit". If the "library stubs"
> turn out to be too large, we could then consider dependencies between "API
> units".

Embedding the prereqs in the API Units is similar to snapshoting.  The challenge here is that the resultant API Unit is now representative of a particular configuration of prerequisites.  If, for example, your system has a different version of Foo (a prereq) then the analysis of Bar (the dependent) is useless.  The other issue is duplication.  Every Eclipse API Unit will end up with stubs for the basic Runtime and UI types.

If we want to go down the snapshotting path then perhaps we can do it at the macro level and gather together the set of related API units rather than embedding and duplicating the information in them.


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