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[pde-dev] Use a library into a plugin


I posted a message (My plugin could not locate an external jars) and
unfortunatly I did not receive an answer. May be the problem description I
gave was not clear.

here is an anoter description in a simpler way.

Suppose we have a plugin P that uses an external library abc1.jar and
so we have to mention in the manifest file of our plugin P the following
information  :

<library name="ThirdParty/abc1.jar"/>
<library name="ThirdParty/abc2.jar"/>

Suppose that we don't have teh source code of these jars (external jars),

Now the problem is that when I run the plugin P, and when I come to invoke a
function that uses ABC_Fn from abc2.jar, an exception is threw saying that
ABC_Fn was not found.

It is important to notice that my plugin could invoke methods that use
external jars like abcd1.jar. But the problem raises only when using some

Having no information about the jars nor the source code, I wonder to know
what are the reasons that could lead to such a problem :

- Do I have to add abc2.jar in my classPath ?
- Do I have to load the abc2.jar before calling the ABC_FN ? I suppose that
Eclipse loads these jars on the activation of the plugin P ? no ?

Now suppose that I use an other jar

<library name="ThirdParty/abc3.jar"/>

and that abc3.jar is an extension of the abc2.jar, or that both libraries
(abc2. jar and abc3.jar) have some common sub packages, for example
and a.b.c.util,
now here is my  question :

- Could the above described problem be because that ABC_FN is a memeber of

I hope this description is clear. Otherwise could you please give me a piece
of information about the behaviour  of the eclipse class loading mecanism.

For sure, there may be some silly questions. Sorry about that.

My Best Regards.


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