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Re: [pde-build-dev] How to create build.xml for a eclipse plugin in a headless way ?

On 5/19/07, Ravi Roy <ravi.aroy@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Yes. Barrie you are right, path had problems --  a typo. Sorry. It worked
for a single plugin, but now I am trying to generate a build.xml file for a
plugin which has dependency on another plugin, where do I specify dependency
so that it does not  give error that dependent plugin could not be located ?

I don't understand the question.

If the plugin is already built, then it goes in your baseLocation or
in one of the pluginPath dirs (I have not used pluginPath myself, all
my plugins go in baseLocation as this is the same as my  Eclipse
Target Platform in eclipse preferences)

If the plugin is something that should be built with the application
then it should go in the same folder structure as the application
plugin, i.e.
+ features
 + feature_1
 + feature_2
+ plugins
 + plugin_1
 + plugin_2

If your plugin can not be found in either of the above scenarios you
get the "error that dependent plugin could not be located"

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