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Re: [pde-build-dev] Bundle Dependency Question

Hi Pascal,

Thanks for your reply.  Basically I am trying to do something similar to Orbit but with our in-house plugins.  Currently we have a monolithic PDE build of 12 features (basically for modularity) which hold a total of ~50 plugins.  A lot of these plugins do not change much, but we have some issues that make our build a challenge.  In particular, we have an install handler that allows us to update external files when we do plugin installations and updates.  So, we ship external files as part of our plugins - which basically means their dependencies are now impossible to keep track of.  A plugin not only depends on its own source code and other plugins - now it depends on potentially tens or hundreds of binaries from somewhere else in our CVS repository.

So, currently every time we release we rebuild everything.  This means we rev. the qualifier on *all* of our plugins simply because it is the easiest way to avoid disaster.  I was trying to keep track of what changed and what didn't and it was a nightmare.  The solution is a new build system with proper dependency checking.  We have jumped around a bit between rolling our own and using Ivy - and I think we are just going to fight with Ivy and try to use it.  So we are experimenting now integrating with a CI server and things are starting to look achievable.

Having said that - all I want to do is be able to build plugins individually whenever its source or one of its dependencies changes.  I don't mind specifying these dependencies manually.  We are going to have to do this for Ivy anyway, and it really isn't all that bad to maintain.  99% of things never change.  So, our build process will be to rebuild plugins on demand, and check their resulting JAR files into a local Ivy repository.  This certainly looks achievable - but admittedly is a bit of a pain right now with PDE because I need to ensure I have a basebuilder around and spawn a new Java process from Ant to run a PDE build in headless mode to generate a build.xml, then execute Ant on that generated file and run the 'build.update.jar' target.  And it seems even more of a waste for features because as discussed - we are basically just replacing versions in feature.xml and packaging it up.
So, if I am not mistaken - there is no way to build a single plugin using PDE otherwise.  And to be honest - it seems easier to me to just continue using eclipse.buildScript and running Ant on the resulting build.xml to build my features rather than try to use the version files and call the idReplacer task myself - even if it does mean I need to specify a few unneccessary dependencies.  The problem is when I want to build my feature I am not building all the plugins - I am just using the binary JARs I pulled from the Ivy repository, so I don't have all of my build.xmls around, and I don't have all of the feature versions in those properties files.  If I were building everything and had access to this information I would just continue to use a PDE build.

In summary, I think the PDE build is good for building everything in a feature and it does that job well.  But if only one plugin in 50 has changed, rebuilding all 50 plugins is unneccessary.  I know you will probably tell me to just avoid moving the tag on the plugins that have not changed, and rebuild the same old versions of the unchanged plugins.  The problem is - this depends on manually tagging things before you build, and frankly my dependencies are too complicated to do that reliably.  I could look at automating the pre-tagging of source to make it more reliable and repeatable - but I figured it makes more sense to focus my efforts on a finer-grained build at the plugin-level.  It will also reduce build times significantly, *and* allow people to access versions of individual plugin JARs from the Ivy repository for other things.


Pascal Rapicault <Pascal_Rapicault@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: pde-build-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

05/03/2007 08:57 PM

Please respond to
"Eclipse PDE Build developers list." <pde-build-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

"Eclipse PDE Build developers list." <pde-build-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
"Eclipse PDE Build developers list." <pde-build-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>, pde-build-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
Re: [pde-build-dev] Bundle Dependency Question

When you are invoking the eclipse.buildScript task PDE does not know that
in the end you will not try to compile something, therefore it reports
errors because the plug-in is not "resolved". It could probably be smarter
and only fail if a plugin being compiled puts it on its classpath, but it
gets pretty fancy. So basically what you see works as expected (see
enhancement request

If what you are trying to achieve is simply replace the version numbers in
the feature.xml, I would encourage you to directly invoke the poorly named
eclipse.idReplacer ant task (it should be called
eclipse.featureVersionReplacer, ok I'm no good at naming :-)) which does
the replacement of version in the feature. You can get all the information
about the final versions for each plug-ins and features in files named
final* (those files are generated when calling
eclipse.buildScript). This would require you to do the loading of those
files yourself and generate the call, or you can probably hack the
idReplacer task to directly load those files.

Now quick question, what are the requirements  or pde build limitations
that forced you to resort to only using the script generators?



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            05/02/2007 02:59                                      Subject
            PM                        [pde-build-dev] Bundle Dependency  
            Please respond to                                            
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            Build developers                                              

Hi Everyone,

I am also trying to do continuous integration of plugins and features and I
almost have a working set of Ant targets that look like they will let me
build on a plugin level - provided I do the dependency management (which I
plan to do anyways).  However, I have run across a limitation that I think
may be a bug but I am not sure.  Let me describe my scenario.  I have the

Feature A
  Includes: Feature B, Feature C
  Includes: Plugin D

Let's assume (for simplicity) that the only other dependency is:

Plugin D
   Requires: Plugin E

OK, so I have written some Ant targets that fire up a headless PDE-enabled
eclipse that gives me access to the eclipse.buildScript task.  Now I have
already successfully used my scripts to individually build all of the other
features and plugins, with the exception of the top-level Feature A.  I am
now building this feature so I get all of its dependencies (pre-built,
plugin JARs, and complete sub-feature folders created by inflating my
pre-built feature JARs) and place them in the following directory

   |       +--features/
   |       |     +--Feature A/ (this is what I am building)
   |       +--plugins/
           |     +--Feature B/
           |     +--Feature C/

So in my call to eclipse.buildScript, my buildDirectory is
<some_folder>/builddir, and my pluginPath is <some_folder>/dependencies.
Now, I would think this should work perfectly fine, however the build fails
with the message (with the placeholder names substituted):

    [java] [eclipse.buildScript] Some inter-plug-in dependencies have not
been satisfied.
    [java] [eclipse.buildScript] Bundle pluginD:
    [java] [eclipse.buildScript]       Missing required plug-in
    [java] BUILD FAILED
    [java] C:\Temp\autobuild\testme.xml:116: Unable to find plug-in:
pluginD_0.0.0. Please check the error log for more details.

So, why is it required that the already-built Plugin D needs access to its
dependencies?  It is already built and therefore does not need to resolve
anything.  This seems like a bug to me.  Essentially all I am doing here is
using the eclipse.buildScript to grab the versions of its dependencies and
substitute them into the feature manifest - then JAR up the bin.includes.
Now I have to recursively calculate/declare transitive dependencies all way
down the plugin chain - which I think is unnecessary.  Is this a bug?

Note that when I copy in pluginE_vYYYY.jar into
<some_folder>/dependencies/plugins, the build works fine.

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